Construction Features
Profiled steel frame construction with purpose built corner and center posts.
Panels with 60mm thick thermal insulation.
Robust base frame made of galvanized steel box profile.Corrosion Resistance Features
Corrosion resistant filter frames.
Polyester coated galvanized steel external panels.
Galvanized steel or polyester coated galvanized steel or stainless steel internal panels.
Cooling coils with integrated marine stainless steel double drain pan and plastic droplet eliminator.
The special panel design and frame detail eliminates the chance of condensation forming in the panels.Maintenance Features
Various inspection options with generously sized clear opening access doors.
Completely smooth internal surfaces.
Filters easily removable.
Cooling function optional with sloping drain pan.
Moisture eliminator after the cooling coil easily removable.
Long-life fan and motor bearings. Fans removable from the side.Quality Features
Heat Recovery Wheels.
High-efficiency centrifugal low noise fans, mounted on vibration isolators with low transmission factor.
Sound absorption splitters.
Matched high efficiency belt drives.Efficiency/Environment Features
No paint treatment required after the production process.
Use of fully recyclable components.
Low energy usage due to optimized component selection and superior casing characteristics.
High efficiency heat recovery systems available.
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